Short Biography
Associate Professor Leonid Tartakovsky is a Director of the Technion Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. His research interests are focused on energy conversion in propulsion systems, advanced thermodynamic cycles, alternative fuels, thermochemical recuperation, combustion and emissions control. L. Tartakovsky serves as an Associate Editor of the SAE International Journal of Engines, Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering – Energetics and Propulsion, and the Editorial Board member of several journals. Prof. Tartakovsky is a recipient of the SAE Forest R. McFarland Award, was elected SAE Fellow in 2016, and SAE Top Contributor in 2019. He is a Founding Chairman of three international conferences, served on the Organizing Committee of multiple conferences and has above 100 publications in journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.