Traffic and Environment
Objective of this research area is to investigate and manage the interrelated processes of emission and dispersion of airborne pollutants with an emphasis on recording traffic emissions and their dispersion in urban areas. The ambition is to investigate traffic emissions and air quality in order to develop the basis for a sustainable improvement of the quality of life.
An additional focus is set on ventilation, fire safety and environmental issues concerning road and rail tunnels, as well as the testing and application of measuring systems for detecting atmospheric trace elements.
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07. October 2021 All Documents regarding to the research project "BRAFA - Fire Effects of Vehicles with Alternative Drive Systems" can be found here. |
DI Dr. Michael Bacher

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- +4331687330190
Monika Greilberger

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- +4331687330201
Research focus
Assessment of emission and fuel consumption from traffic
- Emission measurements and simulation (road traffic, airplanes)
- Emission inventories for urban areas
Pollution dispersion/environmental assessment studies
- Dispersion near highways, tunnel portals and in complex terrain
Measurement of airborne pollutants
Tunnel ventilation and safety
- Ventilation design for rail and road tunnels
- Design of ventilation control systems
- Fire tests
- Commissioning testing
- Safety installations for road and rail tunnels
The research area is equipped with mobile containers for monitoring air quality (gaseous pollutants and PM), PM size distribution), and meteorological parameters including sonic anemometers. For tunnel measurements gas sensors, wind speed, temperature and pressure sensors including data-loggers and video systems are in use.
Accredited testing laboratory
Since 2013 the FVT research area traffic and environment is running a testing center according to ISO/IEC 17025:2007. Currently the scope of testing comprises the measurement of fine dust fractions PM10 and PM2.5 as well as on the gases NO, NO2 and O3.