
The Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems at Graz University of Technology is dedicated to providing innovative and internationally recognized teaching and research in the interconnected system energy, engines, traffic and environment and to contributing to the solution of problems that affect the environment.


Event Highlights

Upcoming event hilights.

Bachelor-/Mastertheses topics presentation


DI2S Conference 2024

26 - 27 September 2024...


News about the institute.

Truck goes future-proof! (Autofocus 9.3.2022)

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, the magazine Autofocus showed the latest developments on low-emission drive systems for heavy-duty vehicles. A measurement of the particle count on a modern diesel truck, ...

IVT renamed to ITNA

IVT becomes ITnA! At the beginning of the year, the institute changed its name to "Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems" to particularly reflect current developments in resea...

Review BRAFA – Fire Effects of Vehicles with Alternative Drive Systems

We know that the energy storage systems of e-vehicles based on lithium-ion technology behave differently than conventional car engines in the event of a fire. But what exactly happens when e-vehicles ...

100 years of IVT - book presentation

In 1920, the dynamic development of the comparatively young scientific discipline of thermodynamics and its application to heat engines in connection with its, as it was said, "crucial importance for ...

Review summer party and 101-year-celebration

Due Corona, the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics was postponed by 1 year. On July 9, 2021, the time had finally come and our summer party could take...


Research areas at the institut

The research activities of the Institute are carried out within the framework of national and international funded projects (EU projects, Austrian Competence Center Program, Christian Doppler Laboratory, FFG projects, etc.) as well as in research cooperations with partners from industry, public authorities and other research institutions.

Working Process– Analysis and Simulation

Working Process– Analysis and Simulation

The objective of the research area Working Process – Analysis and Simulation is to simulate the thermodynamics of the working process completely. This is achieved by developing and optimizing tools in...



The research activities of this area cover the design of engines, transmission units, engine peripherals and exhaust gas after-treatment systems for high-speed internal combustion engines. This also i...

Propulsion Systems

Propulsion Systems

The targets and development foci for future propulsion systems strongly depend on the legal requirements concerning emission and consumption reduction. Approaches for their fulfillment reach from the ...



The task of the research area is to investigate and deal with pollutant emissions and energy consumption from motor vehicles. Research activities include measurements on chassis dynamometers and engin...



The research area “Thermodynamics” deals with thermodynamic questions of selected mechanical engineering topics. The field of activities includes the analysis of energetic and thermodynamic process...

Traffic and Environment

Traffic and Environment

Objective of this research area is to investigate and manage the interrelated processes of emission and dispersion of airborne pollutants with an emphasis on recording traffic emissions and their disp...
